< Not Steamboat > Shadowstrike | Alliance | OCE-PvP
Our imperative is to be a top-5 oceanic guild when it comes to progression and clear times. The guild will strive to be time efficient, fun and engaging with an active community both in-game and on discord.
NSB was originally formed in TBC-Vanilla over a decade ago and was one of the premier oceanic raiding guilds most notably for achieving oceanic-first Illidan. We decided to reform for WoTLK with the goal of killing heroic-lich king as an act of completion, after originally disbanding before killing him 10+ years ago.
NSB accommodates hardcore players and/or those who play primarily for the community aspect. We have re-formed with many of our original founders as well as players from where most of us have played during classic.
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Not Steamboat recrute!
N'importe quel
Pour quelles activités Not Steamboat recrute-t-il?
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