Currently running 6 teams in Gnomeregan, NewJeans is a friendly guild that hosts various teams prioritizing different goals. We have raid teams ranging from casual to semi-hardcore (with a 21-minute Gnom. clear). We are also active in various PvP activities, as well as STV to collect those sweet blood coins.
In Phase 3 of SOD, we are merging those 6 teams into 3 teams of 20 raiders.
For two of our casual raids, we are not actively recruiting. For our semi-hardcore/semi-casual team, we are recruiting 2 players:
1x DPS Warlock
Other than the aforementioned classes, we are always open to exceptional players. Furthermore, if you are a casual raider who wants to raid when positions come up, this is also the right place for you!
For further information, contact (GM) Sanji, (Officer) Guthix, or (Raider) Graypaw in-game.
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NewJeans recrute!
Donjons, Raids, JcJ, Social
Pour quelles activités NewJeans recrute-t-il?
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans NewJeans?